Monday, February 25, 2008

I Really Hope They Eat...

With our standardized tests coming up (so quickly it is scary), I can't help but think of the studies that show that kids who eat before tests (breakfast, I mean) do much better.

So I all I can think, in my most stressful moments, as they have answered the question incorrectly 3 times in a row (which leaves only the correct answer!), is, "Please parents, feed your child before the test! Get up early, make them eggs, bacon, toast, cereal, whatever they want and has some nutrition in it!"

Of course, my school, like many other schools, feed the kids before the test begins... they have been doing that for quite awhile (I remember the best part of the tests when I was in school myself was the food they gave us beforehand. Of course, they gave us donuts and an apple... not very healthy. My students now get cheese, cereal bars, milk, juice, etc.) But it's still no real substitute for a good, hearty breakfast.

Please, please! Feed your child!

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