Friday, March 7, 2008

NOT a Good Day

Today is a day that I question my sanity in becoming a teacher.

The children are not doing well, I don't think I have taught them anything, they don't remember anything even if they did understand it once, they don't any more, and they won't be able to show their knowledge on the test. And if I did ever have enough patience to do this, today it's not in evidence.

Essentially, today is NOT a good day.

You know it's not a good day when you've already made yourself a cup of coffee (for the caffeine energy) and then drank your only remaining soda (also for the caffeine) and it's not even past the 1st period of the day.

Examples of things that went wrong today:

  • Students I need to talk to are absent. I needed them to finish their tests today, as I need to turn them in. But they are absent. Again. Who keeps their child home the week before standardized testing?
  • The kids are constantly arguing across the room. They don't seem to care that I asked them, repeatedly, to stop.
  • The children are all sick. So they are grouchy, and really, really germy, and coughing, in a gross way.
  • I forgot my lunch.
  • I managed to borrow the laptops so the kids can use them to practice their skills online, but the website we use is down. It went down just as my 1st class signed on. It came back up for a bit, then went back down.
  • It was down for the first 15 minutes of my next class.

Other things I can't remember.

Today is not a day I will remember with fondness. Nor is it a day I will be glad I'm a teacher. I am normally thrilled I get to be a teacher. I usually love my job and the kids.

But not today.

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