Thursday, March 20, 2008

Who Ordered Raisins?

Never give 6th graders raisins. It's a waste of money buying them, as the kids seriously would rather starve than eat them. (At least they would rather starve according to them. I figure they'd eventually get hungry enough to eat them, but it wasn't before the test.)

We had our official state testing this week and last week. It's over. Hooray!

Of course, the kids think that means they don't have to work anymore. This is not good, as our administration keeps reminding us teachers that school is not over, so we have to likewise remind the kids.

This is made harder by us feeling that school is over, and it's time for a holiday.

The test went well. The kids seemed to focus, and try their hardest. They enjoyed the snacks each day before the test, and loved seeing what they would get each day.

We got fake goldfish, Graham crackers, and the ill-liked raisins, plus orange juice, water, and more orange juice.

But I still have a mountain of raisins on my desk.

Oh, well. At least the test is over!

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