Monday, August 13, 2007

Back in the Classroom!

There is something so wonderful about getting back in your classroom. It's so peaceful and clean, and none of the junk that will be present as soon as the kids arrive. They're great, but they carry so much junk!

I got back in my room, and sat at my desk... and realized that I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I had to move classrooms, which is a blessing and a curse, honestly.

I liked my old classroom... it was right near the teacher's bathroom, it was across the hall from the 6th grade office (where the administrator's office was, so the kids knew they had better behave in the hallway), and it was the first classroom as you entered the hallway. My new class is NOT near a bathroom (except for the kids bathroom... yuck), and it's at the end of the hallway.

But I wasn't near my team. They were in the other hallway.

So now I am with them, but I did have to pack EVERYTHING and move EVERYTHING at the end of the year, so now I honestly don't know where anything is. Including my trash can. How can you lose a trash can? It's not like losing my tape (which is also missing). It's much larger than that.

My gorgeous mini-fridge made it, though, as well as the lovely squishy chair I appropriated last year.

So... in short, a good start to the year. So far. It's funny... as you sit there, messing with your stuff, people keep coming in, and checking on you. I honestly think they want to see if you're doing a better job of getting your junk done than they are. So they can feel better about themselves.

So far, I have made everyone feel better about themselves.

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